Laboratories for Mathematics, Lifesciences, and Informatics

Laboratories for Mathematics, Lifesciences, and Informatics

*[[How to apply for Aihara, Suzuki, and Kohno Laboratories>./How to apply for Aihara, Suzuki, and Kohno Laboratories]] [#z0341f06]
*Affiliation [#cda62507]
-[[Institute of Industrial Science>]], [[University of Tokyo>]]
-[[Graduate School of Information Science and Technology>""]], [[University of Tokyo>]]
-[[Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering>]], [[University of Tokyo>]]
-[[Complexity Science and Engineering>]], [[University of Tokyo>]]
-[[School of Engineering>]], [[University of Tokyo>]]

*Collaborative Project [#q887a634]
-[[ERATO Aihara Complexity Modelling Project, JST>]]
//*Site map [#g49782e2]

//-[[Top>Aihara-Suzuki-Kohno Laboratories]]
//-[[For Applicants>./How to apply for Aihara, Suzuki, and Kohno Laboratories]]
//-[[Ph. D. Theses>./Ph. D. Thesis]]
