Laboratories for Mathematics, Lifesciences, and Informatics

Top / Laboratories for Mathematics, Lifesciences, and Informatics / Publications


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*Books [#k617012a]
+K. Aihara and G. Matsumoto : in "Chaos" (ed. by A.V. Holden), Manchester University Press, Manchester and Princeton University Press, Princeton (1986).
+K. Aihara and G. Matsumoto : "Nerve Excitation and Chaos", in "Dynamical Systems and Nonlinear Oscillations" (ed. by G. Ikegami), World Scientific Advanced Series in Dynamical Systems, Vol. 1, pp. 254-267 , World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd, Singapore (1986).
+M. Kotani, K. Aihara and Y. Uchikawa : “Measurement of Magnetic Field Produced by Human Body with SQUID Magnetometer,” in “Superconductivity Electronics” (ed. K. Hara), P. 164, Prentice Hall, N. J., and Ohmsha, Tokyo (1987).
+K. Aihara : “Chaotic Neural Networks”, in “Bifurcation Phenomena in Nonlinear Systems and Theory of Dynamical Systems” (ed. by H. Kawakami), pp. 143-161, World Scientific, Singapore (1990).
+K. Aihara : “Neural Networks and Dynamical Systems”, in “A New Horizon on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering” (eds. H. Abe, K. Atsumi, T. Iinuma, M. Saito and M. Inoue), pp. 53-55, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1991).
+T. Ikeguchi, M. Adachi and K. Aihara : “Chaotic Neural Networks and Associative Memory”, in “Artificial Neural Networks” (ed. A. Prieto), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 540, pp. 17-24, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1991).
+T. Ikeguchi, K. Hatamoto and K. Aihara : “Nonlinear Associative Dynamics and Pattern Representations in Chaotic Neural Networks”, in “Structure and Bifurcations of Dynamical Systems” (ed. by S Ushiki), pp. 1-17, World Scientific, Singapore (1992).
+K. Aihara : “Chaos in Axons,” The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, pp. 183-185, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1995).
+I. Tokuda and K. Aihara : “Laryngeal Vibrations as an Underlying Cause of Irregularities in Speech Signals of Vowel Sounds” in “Nonlinear Dynamics : New Theoretical and Applied Results” (ed. by Jan Awrejcewicz), pp. 393-403, Akademie Verlag GmbH, Berlin (1995).
+K. Aihara : “Chaos in Neural Networks”, “The Impact of Chaos on Society” (eds. J. Yorke and C. Grebogi), pp. 110-126, United Nations University Press (1996).
+M. Watanabe, K. Aihara and S. Kondo : "Self-organization Dynamics in Chaotic Neural Networks", with Com- mentaries by J. Pastor and T. Sauer, in "Control and Chaos" (eds. K. Judd, A. Mees, K. L. Teo & T. L. Vincent), pp. 320-333, Birkh"auser, Boston (1997).
+H. Tanaka and K. Aihara : "Chaotic behavior of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations under small ran- dom noise", in "Complexity and Diversity" (ed. by E. R. Nakamura), pp. 172- 174, Springer (1997).
+Tohru Ikeguchi, Tadashi Iokibe and Kazuyuki Aihara : "11 Chaos and Time Series Analysis", In "Soft Computing and Human- Centered Machines" (Eds.Z.Q.Liu & S.Miyamoto), pp. 283-298,   Springer,   Tokyo (2000).
+Y. Horio and K. Aihara : "Chaotic Neuro-Computer", in "Chaos in Circuit and Systems" (ed. by G. Chen & T. Ueta), World Scientific, pp. 237-256 (2002).
+K. Saeki, Y. Sekine and K. Aihara : "Chaos in a Pulse-type Hardware Neuron Model", in "Chaos in Cir- cuit and Systems" (ed. by G. Chen & T. Ueta), World Scientific, pp. 277-296 (2002).
+K. Aihara : "Chaos in Neural Systems," The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, 2nd edition, (ed. by Michael A. Arbib), pp. 208-212, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2002).
+Yoshito Hirata, Hideyuki Suzuki, and Kazuyuki Aihara : "Wind Modelling and its Possible Application to Control of Wind Farms," In Eds D.P. Mandic, M. Golz, A. Kuh, D. Obradovic, and T. Tanaka,"Signal Processing Techniques for Knowledge Extraction and Information Fusion," Springer, New York, pp.23-36, 2008.
+Hajime Mushiake, Kazuhiro Sakamoto, Naohiro Saito, 
Toshiro Inui, Kazuyuki Aihara,  and Jun Tanji: 
"Chapter 1 Involvement of the Prefrontal Cortex in Problem
In International Review of Neurobiology Volume 85, 2009, pp.1-11 
International Review of Neurobiology - 85, Elsevier (2009). 
+Masashi Aono, Yoshito Hirata, Masahiko Hara, Kazuyuki Aihara: 
"Resource-competing Oscillator Network as a Model of
Amoeba-based Neurocomputer," 
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.5715 (2009). 
+Masashi Aono, Yoshito Hirata, Masahiko Hara, and Kazuyuki
"Combinatorial Optimization by Amoeba-based Neurocomputer
with Chaotic Dynamics," 
In Eds Y. Suzuki, M. Hagiya, H. Umeo, and A. Adamatzky,
"Natural Computing, 2nd International Workshop on Natural
Nagoya, Japan, December 2007, Proceedings, 
Proceedings in Information and Communications Technology
Volume 1, Springer, New York, pp.1-15 (2009). 
+Luonan Chen, Ruiqi Wang, Chunguang Li, and Kazuyuki Aihara: 
"[[Modeling Biomolecular Networks in Cells:]]: Structures and Dynamics," Springer, London (2010). 
+Tohru Ikeguchi, Mikio Hasegawa, Takayuki Kimura, Takafumi Matsuura, and Kazuyuki Aihara: [["Theory and Applications of Chaotic Optimization Methods,">]] in 'Innovative Computing Methods and Their Applications to Engineering Problems,' edited by Nadia Nedjah, Leandro dos Santos Coelho, Viviana Cocco Mariani, Luiza de Macedo Mourelle, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol.357, pp.131-161 (2011). 
+Hugo Zeberg, Nathan W. Gouwens, Kunichika Tsumoto, Takashi Tateno, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Hugh P.C. Robinson: Chapter 20 "Phase-Resetting Analysis of Gamma-Frequency Synchronization of Cortical Fast-Spiking Interneurons Using Synaptic-like Conductance Injection," in `[[Phase Response Curves in Neurosicence: Theory, Experiment, and Analysis>]],' edited by Nathan W. Schultheiss, Astrid A. Prinz, and Robert J. Butera, pp.489-509, Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience 6 (2012).
+Kazuyuki Aihara, Taiji Yamada, and Makito Oku: ``Chaotic Neural Networks and Beyond,'' in `[[Chaos, CNN, Memristors and Beyond: A Festschrift for Leon Chua>]],' edited by Andrew Adamatzky and Guanrong Chen, pp.259-270, World Scientific (2013). 
+Yoshito Hirata, Eric J. Lang, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Analyzing Multiple Spike Trains using Distance Measures and Recurrence Plots," in 'Springer Handbook of Bio- and Neuroinformatics,' ed. by N. Kasabov , Springer, Heidelberg (2014). 

*Papers [#k4c5f64d]
+G. Matsumoto, K. Aihara and T. Utsunomiya: "[[A Spatially-Ordered Pacemaker Observed in Squid Giant Axons>]]," Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.51, No.3, pp.942-950 (1982).
+K. Aihara and G. Matsumoto: "[[Temporally Coherent Organization and Instabilities in Squid Giant Axons>]]," Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol.95, No.4, pp.697-720 (1982).
+K. Aihara and G. Matsumoto : “Two Stable Steady States in the Hodgkin-Huxley Axons”, Biophysical J., Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 87-89 (1983).
+G. Matsumoto, K. Aihara, M. Ichikawa and A. Tasaki : “Periodic and Nonperiodic Responses of Membrane Potentials in Squid Giant Axons During Sinusoidal Current Stimulation”, J. of Theoretical Neurobiology, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-14 (1984).
+K. Aihara, G. Matsumoto and Y. Ikegaya: [[Periodic and Non-Periodic Responses of a Periodically Forced Hodgkin-Huxley Oscillator>]]," Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol.109, No.2, pp.249-269 (1984).
+K. Aihara, G. Matsumoto and M. Ichikawa: "[[An Alternating Periodic-Chaotic Sequence Observed in Neural Oscillators>]]," Physics Letters, Vol.111A, No.5, pp.251-255 (1985).
+K. Aihara, T. Numajiri, G. Matsumoto and M. Kotani : “Structures of Attractors in Periodically Forced Neural Oscillators”, Physics Letters A, Vol. 116, No. 7, pp. 313-317 (1986).
+G. Matsumoto, K. Aihara, Y. Hanyu, N. Takahashi, S. Yoshizawa and J. Nagumo : “Chaos and Phase Locking in Normal Squid Axons”, Physics Letters A, Vol. 123, No. 4, pp. 162-166 (1987).
+H. Fujita and K. Aihara : “Application of the PDP Model with a Logistic Activation Function to Immune Networks”, The Transaction of the IEICE, Vol. E72, No. 4, pp. 416-421 (1989).
+K. Aihara, T. Takabe and M. Toyoda : “Chaotic Neural Networks”, Physics Letters A, Vol. 144, No. 6/7, pp. 333-340 (1990).
+T. Ikeguchi, K. Aihara, S. Itoh and T. Utsunomiya : “An Analysis on Lyapunov Spectrum of Electroencephalographic (EEG) Potentials”, The Transaction of the IEICE, Vol. E73, No. 6, pp. 842-847 (1990).
+K. Judd, A. I. Mees, K. Aihara and M. Toyoda : “Grid Imaging for a Two-Dimensional Map”, International J. of Bifurcations and Chaos, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 197-210 (1991).
+T. Ikeguchi, K. Aihara and T. Matozaki : “The f(α) Spectrum of a Chaotic Neuron Model”, The Transaction of the IEICE, Vol. E74, No. 6, pp. 1476-1478 (1991).
+T. Nagai, T. Yamamoto, H. Katayama, M. Adachi and K. Aihara : “A Novel Method to Analyse Response Patterns of Taste Neurons by Artificial Neural Networks”, Neuro Reports, Vol. 3, No. 9, pp. 745-748 (1992).
+A. Mees, K. Aihara, M. Adachi, K. Judd, T. Ikeguchi and G. Matsumoto : “Deterministic Prediction and Chaos in Squid Axon Response”, Physics Letters A, Vol. 169, pp. 41-45 (1992).
+K. T. Judd and K. Aihara : “The Role of Dynamics in Information Processing by the Brain”, Concepts in Neuroscience, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 123-133 (1992).
+K. T. Judd and K. Aihara : “Pulse Propagation Networks : A Neural Network Model That Uses Temporal Coding by Action Potentials”, Neural Networks, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 203-215 (1993).
+N. Kanou, Y. Horio, K. Aihara and S. Nakamura : “A Current-Mode Circuit of a Chaotic Neuron Model”, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E76-A, No. 4, pp. 642-644 (1993).
+N. Kanou, Y. Horio, K. Aihara and S. Nakamura : “A Current-Mode Implementation of a Chaotic Neuron Model Using a SI Integrator”, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E77-A, No. 1, pp. 335-338 (1994).
+K. Sakai and K. Aihara : “Nonlinear Vibrations in an Agricultural Implement System”, International J. of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 465-470 (1994).
+T. Nagai, H. Katayama, K. Aihara and T. Yamamoto : “Pruning of Rat Cortical Taste Neurons by an Artificial Neural Network Model”, J. Neurophysiology, Vol. 74, No. 3, pp. 1010-1019 (1995).
+T. Ikeguchi and K. Aihara : “Prediction of Chaotic Time Series with Noise”, IEICE. Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E78-A, No. 10, pp. 1291-1298 (1995).
+K. Aihara and R. Katayama : “Chaos Engineering in Japan”, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 38, No. 11, pp. 103-107 (1995).
+L. Chen and K. Aihara : “Chaotic Simulated Annealing by a Neural Network Model with Transient Chaos”, Neural Networks, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 915-930 (1995).
+I. Tokuda, R. Tokunaga and K. Aihara : “A Simple Geometrical Structure Underlying Speech Signals of the Japanese Vowel /a/”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 149-160 (1996).
+T. Tanaka, K. Aihara and M. Taki : “Lyapunov Exponents of Random Time Series”, Physical Review E, Vol. 54, No. 2, 2122-2124 (1996-8). +S. Ogawa, T. Ikeguchi, T. Matozaki and K. Aihara : “Nonlinear Modeling by Radial Basis Function Networks”, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E79-A, No. 10, pp. 1608-1617 (1996-10).
+M. Hasegawa, T. Ikeguchi, T. Matozaki and K. Aihara : “Improving Image Segmentation by Chaotic Neurodynamics”, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E79-A, No. 10, 1630-1637 (1996-10).
+H. Fujii, H. Ito, K. Aihara, N. Ichinose and M. Tsukada : “Dynamical Cell Assembly Hypothesis-Theoretical Possibility of Spatio-Temporal Coding in the Cortex”, Neural Networks, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 1303-1350 (1996-11).
+M. Adachi and K. Aihara : “Associative Dynamics in a Chaotic Neural Network”, Neural Networks, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 83-98 (1997-1).
+M. Hasegawa, T. Ikeguchi, K. Aihara and T. Matozaki : “An Analysis on Addtive Effects of Nonlinear Neural Dynamics for the Combinatorial Optimization”, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E80-A, No. 1, pp. 206-213 (1997-1).
+T. Ikeguchi and K. Aihara : “Estimating Correlation Dimensions of Biological Time Series with a Reliable Method”, J. of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 33-52 (1997-3).
+T. Yamada and K. Aihara : “Nonlinear Neurodynamics and Combinatorial Optimization in Chaotic Neural Networks”, J. of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 53-68 (1997-3).
+T. Ikeguchi and K. Aihara : “Difference Correlation Can Distinguish Deterministic Chaos from 1/fα-type Colored Noise”, Physical Review E, Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 2530-2538 (1997-3).
+T. Ikeguchi and K. Aihara : “On Dimension Estimates with Surrogate Data Sets”, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E80-A, No. 5, pp. 859-868 (1997-5).
+T. Ikeguchi and K. Aihara : “Lyapunov Spectral Analysis on Random Data”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 1267-1282 (1997).
+L. Chen and K. Aihara : “Chaos and Asymptotical Stability in Discrete-time Neural Networks”, Physica D, Vol. 104, pp. 286-325 (1997).
+I. Tokuda, T. Nagashima and K. Aihara : “Global Bifurcation Structure of Chaotic Neural Networks and its Application to Traveling Salesman Problems”, Neural Networks, Vol. 10, No. 9, pp. 1673-1690 (1997-12).
+M. Hasegawa, T. Ikeguchi and K. Aihara : “Combination of Chaotic Neurodynamics with the 2-opt Algorithm to Solve Traveling Salesman Problems”, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 79, No. 12, pp. 2344-2347 (1997-9).
+M. Watanabe and K. Aihara : “Chaos in Neural Networks Composed of Coincidence Detector Neurons”, Neural Networks, Vol. 10, No. 8, pp. 1353-1359 (1997).
+T. Tanaka, K. Aihara and M. Taki : “Analysis of Positive Lyapunov Exponents from Random Time Series”, Physica D, Vol. 111, pp. 42-50 (1998).
+S. Murashige and K. Aihara : “Experimental Study on Chaotic Motion of a Flooded Ship in Waves”, Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Vol. 454, pp. 2537-2553 (1998). .
+M. Watanabe, K. Aihara and S. Kondo : “A Dynamical Neural Network with Temproal Coding and Functional Connectivity”, Biol. Cybern., Vol. 78, pp. 87-93 (1998).
+N. Ichinose, K. Aihara and K. Judd : “Extending the concept of isochrons from oscillatory to excitable systems for modeling an excitable neuron”, Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 2375-2385 (1998).
+S. Murashige and K. Aihara : “Coexistence of Periodic Roll Motion and Chaotic One in a Forced Flooded Ship”, Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 619-626 (1998).
+K. Aihara and N. Ichinose : “Modeling and Complexity in Neural Networks”, to be published in J. of Artificial Life and Robotics.
+L. Chen and K. Aihara : “Globally Searching Ability of Chaotic Neural Networks”, to be published in IEEE Trans. CAS, Part 1.
+O. Araki and K. Aihara : “Dynamical Neural Network Model for Hippocampal Memory”, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E81-A, No. 9, pp. 1823-1832 (1998).
+Y. Sakumura and K. Aihara : “A Neuronal Time Window for Coincidence Detection”, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E81-A, No. 9, pp. 1818-1823 (1998).
+M. Hanagata, Y. Horio and K. Aihara : “Asynchronous Pulse Neural Network Model for VLSI Implementation”, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E81-A, No. 9, pp. 1853-1859 (1998).
+I. Tokuda, K. Aihara and T. Nagashima : “Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics”, Physical Review E, Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 5157-5160 (1998).
+K. Aihara, T. Ikeguchi and G. Matsumoto : "Deterministic Nonlinear Dynamics of a Forced Oscillation Experimentally Observed with a Squid Giant Axon", International Journal of Chaos Theory and Applications, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 5-20 (1998).
+K. Aihara and N. Ichinose : "Modeling and Complexity in Neural Networks", J. of Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol. 3, pp. 148-154 (1999).
+S. Murashige, M. Komuro and K. Aihara : "Bifurcation and Resonance of a Mathematical Model for Nonlinear Motion of a Flooded Ship in Waves", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 220, No. 1, pp. 155-170 (1999).
+L. Chen and K. Aihara : "Global Searching Ability of Chaotic Neural Networks", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, Part I, Vol. 46, No. 8, pp. 974-993 (1999- 8).
+R. Herrera, K. Suyama, Y. Horio and K. Aihara : "IC Implementation of a Switched-Current Chaotic Neuron", IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E82-A, No. 9, pp. 1776-1782 (1999-9).
+Y. Horio, K. Watarai and K. Aihara : "Nonlinear Resistor Circuits Using Capacitively Coupled Multi-Input MOSFETs", IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E82-A, No. 9, pp. 1926-1936 (1999-9).
+M. Adachi and K. Aihara: "An Analysis of Instantaneous Stability of an Associative Chaotic Neural Network", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.9, No.11, pp.2157-2163 (1999).
+K. Sakai and K. Aihara : "Bifurcation Structure of Vibrations in an Agricultural Tractor-Bibrating Subsoiler System", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 9, No. 10, pp.2091-2098 (1999).
+T. Miyano, S. Kimoto, H. Shibuta, K. Nakashima, Y. Ikenaga and K. Aihara : "Time series analysis and prediction on complex dynamical behavior observed in a blast furnace", Physica D, Vol. 135, pp. 305-330 (2000).
+H. Suzuki, K. Aihara, J. Murakami and T. Shimozawa : "Analysis of Neural Spike Trains with Interspike Interval Reconstruction", Biol. Cybern., Vol.82, pp.305-311 (2000).
+K. Kubota, Y. Maeda and K. Aihara : "A Study on the Dynamics of a Generalized Logistic Map", IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E83-A, No. 3, pp. 524-531 (2000).
+W.K. Luk and K. Aihara: "Synchronization and Sensitivity Enhancement of the Hodgkin- Huxley Neurons due to Inhibitory Inputs", Biol. Cybern., Vol. 82, pp. 455-467 (2000).
+K. Judd and K. Aihara: "Generation, Recognition and Leaning of Recurrent Signals by Pulse Propagation Networks", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 10, No. 10, pp. 2415-2428 (2000).
+H. Nishimura N. Katada and K. Aihara : "Coherent Response in a Chaotic Neural Network", Neural Processing Letters, Vol.12, No.1, pp. 49-58 (2000).
+S. Murashige, T. Yamada and K. Aihara: "Nonlinear Analyses of Roll Motion of a Flooded Ship in Waves", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series A (Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences), Vol. 358, pp. 1793-1812 (2000).
+G. Froyland and K. Aihara: "Rigorous Numerical Estimation of Lyapunov Exponents and Invariant Measures of   Iterated Function Systems and Random Matrix Products", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 103-122 (2000).
+M. Hasegawa, T. Ikeguchi and K. Aihara: "Exponential and Chaotic Neurodynamical Tabu Searches for Quadratic Assignment Problems", Control and Cybernetics, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 774-788 (2000).
+T. Miyano, A. Nagami, I. Tokuda and K. Aihara: "Detecting Nonlinear Determinism in Voiced Sounds of Japanese Vowel /a/", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 10, No. 8, pp. 1973-1979 (2000).
+L. Chen and K. Aihara: "Strange Attractors in Chaotic Neural Networks", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 47, No. 10, pp. 1455-1468 (2000).
+H. Matsuda, M. Tsukada, T. Aihara, M, Tatsuno and K. Aihara : "Chaotic Stimulus Dependent Long-term Potentiation in the Hippocampal CA1 Area", Biosystems, Vol. 58, pp. 273-279 (2000).
+M. Watanabe, Y.Takahashi and K. Aihara: "Associative Memory Model with Temporal Coding and Active Dendrite", Biosystems, Vol. 58, No. 1-3, pp. 259-263 (2000).
+I. Tokuda, T. Yanai and K. Aihara: "Reconstruction of Chaotic Dynamics via a Network of Stochastic Resonance Neurons and its Application to Speech", Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol. 5, pp. 33-39 (2001).
+G. Froyland and K. Aihara: "Estimating Statistics of Neuronal Dynamics via Markov Chains", Biol. Cybern., Vol. 84, pp. 31-40 (2001).
+L. Chen and K. Aihara: "Stability and Bifurcation Analysis of Differential - Difference - Algebraic Equations", IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems - I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 308-326 (2001).
+M. Watanabe, K. Nakanishi and K. Aihara: "Solving the Binding Problem of the Brain with Bi-directional Functional Connectivity", Neural Networks, Vol. 14, pp. 395-406 (2001).
+M. Komuro and K. Aihara : "Hierarchical Structure among Invariant Subspaces of Chaotic Neural Networks", Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 335-357 (2001).
+J. Kuroiwa, S. Nara and K. Aihara: "Response Properties of a Single Chaotic Neuron to Stochastic Inputs", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 1447-1460 (2001).
+N. Ichinose and K. Aihara: "Detection of Mutual Determinism between a Pair of Spike Trains", Biological Cybernetics, Vol. 85, pp. 327-333 (2001).
+O. Araki and K. Aihara: "Dual Information Representation with Stable Firing Rates and Chaotic Spatiotemporal Spike Patterns in a Neural Network Model", Neural Computation, Vol. 13, No. 12, pp.2799-2822 (2001).
+N. Masuda and K. Aihara: "Synchronization of Pulse-coupled Excitable Neurons", Physical Review E, Vol. 64, 051906, pp. 1-13 (2001).
+J.K. Ryeu, K. Aihara and I. Tsuda: "Fractal Encoding in a Chaotic Neural Network", Physical Review E, Vol. 64, 046202, pp. 1-6 (2001).
+H. Kitajima, T. Yoshinaga, K. Aihara and H. Kawakami: "Chaotic Bursts and and Bifurcation in Chaotic Neural Networks with Ring Structure", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 1631-1643 (2001).
+I. Tokuda, T. Miyano and K. Aihara: "Surrogate Analysis for Detecting Nonlinear Dynamics in Normal Vowels", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 110, No. 6, pp. 3207-3217 (2001).
+K. Aihara and J.K. Ryeu: "Chaotic Neurons and Analog Computation" Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 810-811 (2001).
+H. Ito and K. Aihara: "Combination of the Actor/Critic Algorithm with Goal-Directed Reasoning, and the Appearance and Disappearance of Hierarchical Structure", submitted to Artificial Life and Robotics.
+Y. Sakumura and K. Aihara : "Stochastic Resonance and Coincidence Detection in Single Neurons", Neural Processing Letters, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 235-242 (2002-12).
+R. Nanba, M. Hasegawa, T. Nisita and K. Aihara: "Optimization using Chaotic Neural Networks and its Application to Lighting Design", Control and Cybernetics, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 249-269 (2002).
+N. Masuda and K. Aihara: "Dynamical Characteristics of Discretized Chaotic Permutations", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 12, No. 10, pp. 2087-2103 (2002).
+L. Chen and K. Aihara: "A Model of Periodic Oscillations for Generic Regulatory Systems", IEEE Trans. CAS-I, Vol. 49, No. 10, pp. 1429-1436 (2002).
+K. Aihara and I. Tokuda : "Possible Neural Coding with Inter-Event Intervals of Synchronous Firing", Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 66, 026212 (2002).
+K. Aihara: "Chaos Engineering and its Application to Parallel Distributed Processing with Chaotic Neural Networks", Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 90, No. 5, 919-930 (2002).
+N. Masuda and K. Aihara: "Cryptosystems with Discretized Chaotic Maps", IEEE Trans. CAS 1, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 28-40 (2002).
+J. Matsuoka, Y. Sekine, K. Saeki, and K. Aihara: "Analog Hardware Implementation of a Mathematical Model of an Asynchronous Chaotic Neuron", IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E85-A, No. 2, pp. 389-394 (2002-2).
+Z. Wang, and K. Aihara: "A Fuzzy-Like Phenomenon in Chaotic Autoassociative Memory", IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E85-A, No. 3, pp. 714-722 (2002-3).
+T. Iwamoto, Y. Jimbo, and K. Aihara: "Extracting Temporal Firing Patterns of Neurons from Noisy Data", IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E85-A, No. 4, pp. 892-902 (2002-4).
+L. Chen and K. Aihara: "Stability of Genetic Regulatory Networks with Time Delay", IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems - I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 49, No. 5, pp. 602-608 (2002).
+N. Masuda and K. Aihara: "Spatiotemporal Spike Encoding of a Continuous External Signal", Neural Computation, Vol. 14, pp. 1599-1628 (2002).
+M. Hasegawa, T. Ikeguchi and K. Aihara: "A Novel Chaotic Search for Quadratic Assignment Problems", European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 139, pp. 543-556 (2002).
+M. Hasegawa, T. Ikeguchi and K. Aihara: "Solving Large Scale Traveling Salesman Problems by Chaotic Neurodynamics", Neural Networks, Vol. 15, pp. 271-283 (2002).
+N. Masuda and K. Aihara: "Bridging Rate Coding and Temporal Spike Coding by Effect of Noise", Physical Review Letters, Vol. 88, No. 24, 248101 (2002).
+Y. Shinohara, T. Kanamaru, H. Suzuki, T. Horita and K. Aihara: "Array-enhanced Coherence Resonance and Forced Dynamics in Coupled Fitz Hugh-Nagumo Neurons with Noise", Physical Review E, Vol. 65, 051906 (2002).
+K. Mitsubori and K. Aihara: "Delayed-feedback Control of Chaotic Roll Motion of a Flooded Ship in Waves", Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A, Vol. 458, pp. 2801-2813 (2002).
+M.A.F. Sanju'an, T. Horita and K. Aihara: "Opening a Closed Hamiltonian Map", Chaos, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp.17-24 (2003-3).
+N. Masuda and K. Aihara: "Duality of Rate Coding and Temporal Coding in Multilayered Feedforward Networks", Neural Computation, Vol. 15, pp. 103-125 (2003).
+G. Tanaka and K. Aihara: "Bifurcation Structures of Period-adding Phenomena in an Ocean Internal Wave Model," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 13, No. 11, pp.3409-3424 (2003).
+H. Kitajima, T. Yoshinaga, K. Aihara and H. Kawakami: "Itinerant Memory Dynamics and Global Bifurcations in Chaotic Neural Networks," Chaos, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 1122-1132 (2003).
+M. Watanabe, T. Masuda, and K. Aihara: "Forward Propaagating Reinforcement Learning -- Biologically Plausible Learning Method for Multi-Layer Networks," Bio Systems, Vol. 71, pp. 213-220 (2003).
+Y. Horio, K. Aihara, and O. Yamamoto: "Neuron-Synapse IC Chip-Set for Large-Scale Chaotic Neural Networks," IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 1393-1404 (2003).
+Z. Wang and K. Aihara: "A Fuzzy-Like Phenomenon in a Dynamic Neural Network," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E86-A, No. 8, pp. 2125-2135 (2003).
+N. Masuda and K. Aihara: "Spatial Prisoner's Dilemma Optimally Played in Small-world Networks," Physics Letters A, Vol. 313, pp. 55-61 (2003).
+K. Tsumoto, T. Yoshinaga, K. Aihara and H. Kawakami: "Bifurcations in Synaptically Coupled Hodgkin-Huxley Neurons with a Periodic Input," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 653-666 (2003).
+H. Itoh, H. Nakahara, O. Hikosaka, R. Kawagoe, Y. Takikawa, and K. Aihara: "Correlation of Primate Caudate Neural Activity and Saccade Parameters in Reward-Oriented Behavior," J. Neurophysiol., Vol. 89, pp. 1774-1783 (2003).
+N. Masuda and K. Aihara: "Filtered Interspike Interval Encoding by Class II Neurons," Physics Letters A, Vol. 311, pp. 485-490 (2003).
+H. Takahashi and K. Aihara: "Algorithmic Analysis of Irrational Rotations in a Single Neuron Model," J. Complexity, Vol. 19, pp. 132-152 (2003).
+N. Masuda and K. Aihara: "Ergodicity of Spike Trains: When Does Trial Averaging Make Sense?," Neural Computation, Vol. 15, pp. 1341-1372 (2003).
+T. Kobayashi, L. Chen, and K. Aihara: "Modeling Genetic Switches with Positive Feedback Loops", J. Theor. Biol., Vol. 221, No. 3, pp. 379-399 (2003-4).
+Y. Ono, H. Suzuki, and K. Aihara: "Grazing Bifurcation and Mode-locking in Reconstructing Chaotic Dynamics with a Leaky Integrate-and-fire Model", Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol. 7, pp. 55-62 (2003).
+I. Tokuda, R. Tokunaga, and K. Aihara: "Back-Propagation Learning of Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems", Neural Networks, Vol. 16, pp. 1179-1193 (2003).
+K. Hamaguchi, K. Aihara: "Quantitative Information Transfer through layers of Spiking Neurons Connected by Mexican-Hat-type Connectigvity," Neurocomputing, Vol. 58, No. 60, pp. 85-90 (2004).
+Y. Morishita and K. Aihara: "Noise-Reduction through Interaction in Gene Expression and Biochemical Reaction Processes", Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 228, pp. 315-325 (2004).
+N. Masuda and K. Aihara: "Global and Local Synchrony of Coupled Neurons in Small-world Networks", Biological Cybernetics, Vol. 90, pp. 302-309 (2004).
+N. Masuda, N. Konno, and K. Aihara: "Transmission of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in Dynamical Small-world Networks", Physical Review E, Vol. 69, 031917-1-6 (2004).
+H. Suzuki, K. Aihara and T. Okamoto: "Complex Behaviour of a Simple Partial-discharge Model", Europhysics Letters, Vol. 66, No. 1, pp. 28-34 (2004).
+T. Okamoto, M. Watanabe, K. Aihara, and S. Kondo: "An Explanation of Contextual Modulation by Short-range Isotropic Connections and Orientation Map Geometry in the Primary Visual Cortex," Biological Cybernetics, Vol.91, No.6, pp.396-407 (2004).
+H. Tanaka and K. Aihara: "Analysis of the Hodgkin-Huxley Equations with Noise: the Effects of Noise on Chaotic Neurodynamics," Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol.8, pp.190-196 (2004).
+N. Masuda, and K. Aihara: "Dual Coding and Effects of Global Feedback in Multilayered Neural Networks," Neurocomputing, Vol. 58, No. 60, pp. 33-39 (2004).
+S. Tsuji, T. Ueta, H. Kawakami, and K. Aihara: "A Design Method of Bursting using Two-parameter Bifurcation Diagrams in Fitzhugh-Nagumo Model," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 14, No. 7, pp. 2241-2252 (2004).
+M. Watanabe and K. Aihara: "A Network of Coincidence Detector Neurons with Periodic and Chaotic Dynamics," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 980-986 (2004-9).
+L. Chen, R. Wang, T.J. Kobayashi, and K. Aihara: "Dynamics of Gene Regulatory Networks with Cell Division Cycle," Physical Review E, Vol. 70, 011909-1-12 (2004).
+K. Aihara, I. Tsuda and H. Fujii: "Prologue - The Pioneering Work of the Late Professor Gen Matsumoto," Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 111-113 (2004).
+H. Fujii, K. Aihara, and I. Tsuda : "Functional Relevance of `Excitatory' GABA Actions in Cortical Interneurons: A Dynamical Systems Approach," Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 183-205 (2004).
+R. Tomioka, H. Kimura, T.J. Kobayashi and K. Aihara: "Multivariate Analysis of Noise in Genetic Regulatory Networks," Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 229, pp. 501-521 (2004).
+J. Kuroiwa, N. Masutani, S. Nara, and K. Aihara: "Sensitive Response of a Chaotic Wandering State to Memory Fragment Inputs in a Chaotic Neural Network Model," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp.1413-1421 (2004).
+N. Masuda and K. Aihara: "Self-organizing Dual Coding based on Spike-Time-Dependent Plasticity," Neural Computation, Vol.16, pp.627-663 (2004).
+T. Toyoizumi, J.-P. Pfister, K. Aihara, and W. Gerstner: "Generalized Bienenstock-Cooper-Munro Rule for Spiking Neurons that Maximizes Information Transmission," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 102, pp. 5239-5244 (2005).
+Y. Horio, T. Taniguchi and K. Aihara: "An Asynchronous Spiking Chaotic Neuron Integrated Circuit," Neurocomputing, Vol. 64, pp. 447-472 (2005).
+G. Tanaka, M.A.F. Sanju'an, and K. Aihara: "Crisis-induced Intermittency in Two Coupled Chaotic Maps: Towards Understanding Chaotic Itinerancy," Physical Review E, Vol. 71, 016219-1-11 (2005).
+L. Chen, R. Wang, T. Zhou, and K. Aihara: "Noise-induced Cooperative Behavior in a Multi-Cell System," Bioinformatics, Vol.21, pp.2722-2729 (2005-6).
+K. Hamaguchi, M. Okada, M. Yamana, and K. Aihara: "Correlated Firing in a Feedforward Network with Mexican-Hat-Type Connectivity," Neural Computation, Vol.17, No.9, pp.2034-2059 (2005).
+K. Hamaguchi, M. Okada, S. Kubota, and K. Aihara: "Stochastic Resonance of Localized Activity Driven by Common Noise," Biological Cybernetics, Vol.92, No.6, pp.438-444 (2005).
+H. Suzuki, S. Ito and K. Aihara: "Double rotations," Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Vol.13, pp.515-532 (2005).
+T. Kohno and K. Aihara: "A MOSFET-based model on a Class--2 type of Nerve Membrane," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol.16, No.3, pp.754-773 (2005).
+Y. Morishita, T. Kobayashi, and K. Aihara: "Evaluation of the Performance of Mechanisms for Noise Attenuation in a Single-gene Expression," Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol.235, pp.241-264 (2005).
+K. Morita, K. Tsumoto, and K. Aihara: "Possible Effects of Depolarizing GABAA Conductance on the Neuronal Input-Output Relationship: A Modeling Study," Journal of Neurophysiology, Vol.93, pp.3504-3523 (2005).
+T. Toyoizumi, J.-P. Pfister, K. Aihara, and W. Gerstner: "Generalized Bienenstock-Cooper-Munro Rule for Spiking Neurons that Maximizes Information Transmission," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol.102, pp.5239-5244 (2005).
+K. Morita and K. Aihara: "A Network Model with Pyramidal Cells and GABAergic Non-FS Cells in the Cerebral Cortex,” Neurocomputing, Vols.65-66, pp.697-707 (2005).
+S. Kubota and K. Aihara: "Analyzing Global Dynamics of a Neural Field Model," Neural Processing Letters, Vol.21, pp.133-141 (2005).
+T. Fushiki, F. Komaki, and K. Aihara: "Nonparametric Bootstrap Prediction," Berboulli, Vol.11, No.2, pp.293-307 (2005).
+Y. Horio, T. Taniguchi and K. Aihara: "An Asynchronous Spiking Chaotic Neuron Integrated Circuit," Neurocomputing, Vol.64, pp.447-472 (2005).
+G. Tanaka, M.A.F. Sanju'an, and K. Aihara: "Crisis-Induced Intermittency in Two Coupled Chaotic Maps: Towards Understanding Chaotic Itinerancy,” Physical Review E, Vol.71, 016219-1-11 (2005).
+N. Masuda, G. Jakimoski, K. Aihara, and L. Kocarev: "Chaotic Block Ciphers: From Theory to Practical Algorithms," IEEE Transactions on Circuit and Systems-I, Vol.53, No.6, pp.1341-1352 (2006).
+T. Toyoizumi and K. Aihara: "Generalization of the Mean-field Method for Power-law Distributions," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.16, No.1, pp.129-135 (2006).
+D. Battogtokh, K. Aihara, and J.J. Tyson: "Synchronization of Eukaryotic Cells by Periodic Forcing," Physical Review Letters, Vol.96, No.14, 148102 (2006).
+K. Morita, K. Tsumoto, and K. Aihara: "Bidirectional Modulation of Neuronal Responses by Depolarizing GABAergic Inputs," Biophysical Journal, Vol.90, pp.1925-1938 (2006).
+G. Tanaka, B. Ibarz, M. A.F. Sanju'an, and K. Aihara: "Synchronization and Propagation of Bursts in Networks of Coupled Map Neurons," Chaos, Vol.16, No.1, 013113, (2006).
+K. Tsumoto, H. Kitajima, T. Yoshinaga, K. Aihara, and H. Kawakami: "Bifurcations in Morris-Lecar Neuron Model," Neurocomputing, Vol.69, No.4-6, pp.293-316 (2006).
+C. Li, L. Chen, and K. Aihara: "Stochastic synchronization of genetic oscillator networks," BMC Systems Biology, Vol.1, No.6, pp.1752-0509 (2007).
+ Y. Sakisaka, K. Tainaka, N. Sugimine, J. Yoshimura, T. Hayashi, K. Aihara, T. Togashi, T. Miyazaki: "A Power Law for Extinction Process in Multiple Contact Process," Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.76, No.2, 023101 (2007).
+ T. Toyoizumi, J. Pfister, K. Aihara, and W. Gerstner: "Optimality Model of Unsupervised Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity: Synaptic Memory and Weight Distribution,"
Neural Computation, Vol.19, No.3, pp.639-671 (2007).
+ C. Li, L. Chen, and K. Aihara: "A Systems Biology Perspective on Signal Processing in Genetic Network Motifs," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol.24, pp.136-147 (2007).
+ B. Ibarz, G. Tanaka, M.A.F. Sanju'an, and K. Aihara: "Sensitivity versus resonance in two-dimensional spiking-bursting neuron models," Physical Review E, Vol.75, 041902 (2007).
+ M. Sekikawa, N. Inaba and K. Aihara: "Coexisting Two Canards and their Breakdown into Chaos in the van der Pol Oscillator under Weak Periodic Perturbation," Physics Letters A, Vol.363, No.5-6, pp.404-410 (2007).
+ S. Tsuji, T. Ueta, H. Kawakami, H. Fujii, and K. Aihara: "Bifurcations in Two-dimensional Hindmarsh-Rose Type Model," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.17, No.3, pp.985-998 (2007).
+ G. Tanaka and K. Aihara: "Collective Skipping: Aperiodic Phase Locking in Ensembles of Bursting Oscillators," Europhysics Letters, Vol.78, No.1, 10003 (2007).
+ N. Masuda and K. Aihara: "Dual Coding Hypotheses for Neural Information Representation," Mathematical Biosciences, Vol.207, pp.312-321 (2007).
+ H. Ando, S. Boccaletti, and K. Aihara: "Automatic control and tracking of periodic orbits in chaotic systems," Physical Review E, Vol.75, 066211 (2007).
+ H. Tanaka, T. Morie and K. Aihara: "A CMOS circuit for STDP with a symmetric time window," International Congress Series, Vol.1301, pp.152-155 (2007).
+ K. Morita, M. Okada, and K. Aihara: "Selectivity and Stability via Dendritic Nonlinearity," Neural Computation, Vol.19, No.7, pp.1798-1853 (2007).
+ N. Masuda, M. Okada, and K. Aihara: "Filtering of Spatial Bias and Noise Inputs by Spatially Structured Neural Networks," Neural Computation, Vol.19, No.7, pp.1854-1870 (2007).
+ D. P. Mandic, S. L. Goh, and K. Aihara: "Sequential Data Fusion via Vector Spaces: Fusion of Heterogeneous Data in the Complex Domain," The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, Vol.48, No.1-2, pp.99-108 (2007).
+ Z. Wang, H. Fan, and K. Aihara: "An associative network with chaotic neurons and dynamic synapse," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.17, No.9, pp.3085-3097 (2007).
+ K. Hamaguchi, M. Okada, and K. Aihara: "Variable Time Scales of Repeated Spike Patterns in Synfire Chain with Mexican-Hat Connectivity," Neural Computation, Vol.19, No.9, pp.2468-2491 (2007).
+ M. Aono, M. Hara, and K. Aihara: "Amoeba-based neurocomputing with chaotic dynamics," Communications of the ACM, Vol.50, No.9, pp.69-72 (2007).
+ K. Fujiwara, H. Fujiwara, M. Tsukada, K. Aihara: "Reproducing Bursting Interspike Interval Statistics of the Gustatory Cortex," Biosystems, Vol.90, No.2, pp.442-448 (2007).
+ M. Funabashi and K. Aihara: "Modeling Birdsong Learning with a Chaotic Elman Network," Journal of Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol.11, No.2, pp.162-166 (2007).
+ T. Shimada, Y. Murase, S. Yukawa, N. Ito, and K. Aihara: "A simple model of evolving ecosystems," Journal of Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol.11, No.2, pp.153-156 (2007).
+ K. Fujiwara and K. Aihara: "Classification of the spike sequences by discriminating their sources of temporal correlations," Journal of Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol.11, No.2, pp.167-170 (2007).
+ T. Koshizen, M. Kon, H. Prendinger, Y. Hasegawa, K. Aihara, and H. Tsujino: "User interest estimation using cross-modal computation," International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research, Vol.3, No.3, pp 177-191 (2007).
+ N. Sugimine and K. Aihara: "Stability of an Equilibrium State in a Multi-infectious-type SIS Model on a Truncated Network," Journal of Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol.11, pp.157-161 (2007).
+ M. D. Shrimali, S. Sinha, and K. Aihara: "Asynchronous updating induces order in threshold coupled systems," Physical Review E, Vol.76, 046212 (2007).
+ C. Li, L. Chen, K. Aihara: "Stochastic Stability of Genetic Networks with Disturbance Attenuation," IEEE Transactions on 
Circuits and Systems II, Vol.54, No.10, pp.892-896 (2007).
+ R. Wang, L. Chen and K. Aihara: "Detection of cellular rhythms and global stability within interlocked feedback systems," Mathematical Biosciences, Vol.209, No.1, pp.171-189 (2007).
+ Y. Hirata, S. Horai, H. Suzuki, and K. Aihara: "Testing Serial Dependence by Random-shuffle Surrogates and the Wayland Method," Physics Letters A, Vol.370, No.3-4, pp.265-274 (2007).
+ I. Aihara, S. Horai, H. Kitahata, K. Aihara, and K. Yoshikawa: "Dynamical calling behavior experimentally observed in Japanese tree frogs (Hyla japonica),'' IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E90-A, No.10, pp.2154-2161 (2007).
+ G. He, M. D. Shrimali, and K. Aihara: "Partial State Feedback Control of Chaotic Neural Network and its Application," Physics Letters A, Vol.371, No.3, pp.228-233 (2007). 
+Y. Sato, T. Toyoizumi, and K. Aihara: "Bayesian Inference Explains Perception of Unity and Ventriloquism Aftereffect: Identification of Common Sources of Audiovisual Stimuli," Neural Computation, Vol.19, No.12, pp.3335-3355 (2007).
+K Aihara: [[Chaos in neurons>]], [[Scholarpedia>]], 3(5):1786 (2008)
+Xing-Ming Zhao, Yong Wang, Luonan Chen, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Gene Function Prediction using Labeled and Unlabeled Data," BMC Bioinformatics, Vol.9, No.57 (2008). 
+Yong Xie, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Yan Mei Kang: "Change in types of neuronal excitability via bifurcation control," Physical Review E, Vol.77, 021917-1-8 (2008). 
+Xing-Ming Zhao, Luonan Chen, and Kazuyuki Aihara: " Protein Function Prediction with the Shortest Path in Functional Linkage Graph and Boosting," International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications, Vol.4, pp.375-384 (2008).
+Xing-Ming Zhao, Yong Wang, Luonan Chen, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Gene Function Prediction using Labeled and Unlabeled Data," BMC Bioinformatics, Vol.9, No.57 (2008). 
+Yoshito Hirata, Danilo P. Mandic, Hideyuki Suzuki, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Wind Direction Modelling using Multiple Observation Points," Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Vol.366, pp. 591-607 (2008).
+Kenji Morita, Rita Kalra, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Hugh P.C. Robinson: "Recurrent Synaptic Input and the Timing of Gamma-frequency-modulated Firing of Pyramidal Cells During Neocortical "UP" States," Journal of Neuroscience, Vol.28, pp.1871-1881 (2008).
+Takashi Kohno and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Mathematical-model-based Design of Silicon Burst Neurons," Neurocomputing, Vol.71, No.7-9, pp.1619-1628 (2008).
+Xing-Ming Zhao, Luonan Chen, Kazuyuki Aihara: "Protein Classification with Imbalanced Data," Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, Vol.70, No.4, pp.1125-1132 (2008).
+Guoguang He, Manish Dev Shrimali and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Threshold Activated Control of Chaotic Neural Network," Neural Networks, Vol.21, pp.114-121 (2008).
+Munehisa Sekikawa, Naohiko Inaba, Takashi Tsubouchi, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Analysis of Torus Breakdown into Chaos in a Constraint Duffing van der Pol Oscillator," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.18, No.4, pp.1051-1068 (2008).
+Hirokazu Tozaki, Tetsuya J. Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Okano, Ryo Yamamoto, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Hidenori Kimura: "Reconstructing the Single-cell-level Behavior of a Toggle Switch from Population-level Measurements," FEBS Letter, Vol.582, No.7, pp.1067-1072 (2008).
+Makito Oku and Kazuyuki Aihara: A" Mathematical Model of Planning in the Prefrontal Cortex," Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol.12, No.1-2, pp.227-231 (2008).
+Nobuaki Sugimine, Naoki Masuda, Norio Konno, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "On Global and Local Critical Points of Extended Contact Process on Homogeneous Trees," Mathematical Bioscience, Vol.213, No.1, pp.13-17 (2008).
+Xing-Ming Zhao, Rui-Sheng Wang, Luonan Chen, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Uncovering Signal Transduction Networks from High-throughput Data by Integer Linear Programming," Nucleic Acids Research, Vol.36, No.9, e48 (2008).
+Masahiro Kawasaki, Masataka Watanabe, Jiro Okuda, Masamichi Sakagami, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Human Posterior Parietal Cortex Maintains Color, Shape and Motion in Visual Short-term Memory," Brain Research, Vol.1213, pp.91-97 (2008).
+ Yong Xie, Luonan Chen, Yan Mei Kang, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Controlling the Onset of Hopf Bifurcation in the Hodgkin-Huxley Model," Physical Review E 77, 061921 (2008). 
+Xing-Ming Zhao, Yong Wang, Luonan Chen, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Protein Domain Annotation with Predicted Domain-Domain Interaction Networks," Protein and Peptide Letters, Vol.15, No.5, pp.456-462 (2008).
+Chunguang Li, Luonan Chen, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Impulsive Control of Stochastic Systems with Applications in Chaos Control, Chaos Synchronization, and Neural Networks," Chaos, Vol.18, No.2, 023132 (2008).
+Manish Dev Shrimali, Sudeshna Sinha, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Asynchronous Updating of Threshold-coupled Chaotic Neurons," Pramana-Journal of Physics, Vol.70, No.6, pp.1127--1134 (2008).
+Hiroyasu Ando, Sudeshna Sinha, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Emergent Organization of Oscillator Clusters in Coupled Self-regulatory Chaotic Maps," Pramana-Journal of Physics, Vol.70, No.6, pp.1153-1164 (2008).
+Yoshihiko Horio and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Analog Computation through High-dimensional Physical Chaotic Neuro-dynamics," Physica D, Vol.237, No.9, pp.1215-1225 (2008).
+Yoshito Hirata, Yuichi Katori, Hidetoshi Shimokawa, Hideyuki Suzuki, Timothy A. Brenkinsop, Eric J. Lang, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Testing a Neural Coding Hypothesis using Surrogate Data," Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Vol.172, pp.312-322 (2008).
+Bing Wang, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Luonan Chen: "Jamming in Weighted Scale-free Gradient Networks," Europhysics Letters, Vol.83, pp.28006 (2008).
+Xing-Ming Zhao, Yong Wang, Luonan Chen, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Protein domain annotation with integration of heterogeneous information sources," Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, Vol.72, No.1, pp.461--473 (2008).
+Takashi Shimada and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[A Nonlinear Model with Competition between Prostate Tumor Cells and its Application to Intermittent Androgen Suppression Therapy of Prostate Cancer>]]," Mathematical Biosciences, Vol.214, No.1/2, pp.134-139 (2008).
+Takahisa Ogino,Yoshihiko Horio and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Analysis of Chaotic Neural Network through Mutual Information in Solving Quadratic Assignment Problems," Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.12, No.4, pp.291-294 (2008).
+Hong Fan, Zhijie Wang, Takaaki Ohnishi, Hiroo Saito, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Multicommunity Weight-driven Bipartite Network Model," Physical Review E, Vol.78, 026103-1-7 (2008).
+Takashi Kanamaru and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Stochastic Synchrony of Chaos in a Pulse-Coupled Neural Network with Both Chemical and Electrical Synapses Among Inhibitory Neurons," Neural Computation, Vol.20, pp.1951-1972 (2008).
+Hiromichi Suetani, Tatsuo Yanagita and Kazuyuki Aihara: "PULSE DYNAMICS IN COUPLED EXCITABLE FIBERS: SOLITON-LIKE COLLISION, PHASE LOCKING, AND RECOMBINATION," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 18, No. 8 pp.2289-308 (2008).
+Guoguang He, Luonan Chen, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Associative Memory With a Controlled Chaotic Neural Network," Neurocomputing, Vol.71, pp.2794--2805 (2008).
+Ruiqi Wang, Chunguang Li, Luonan Chen, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Modeling and Analyzing Biological Oscillations in Molecular Networks," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol.96, pp.1361--1385 (2008).
+Kazuhiro Sakamoto, Hajime Mushiake, Naohiro Saito, Kazuyuki Aihara, Masafumi Yano, and Jun Tanji: "Discharge Synchrony during the Transition of Behavioral Goal Representations Encoded by Discharge Rates of Prefrontal Neurons," Cerebral Cortex, Vol.18, No.9, pp.2036-2045 (2008).
+Gouhei Tanaka, Kunichika Tsumoto, Shigeki Tsuji, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Bifurcation Analysis on a Hybrid Systems Model of Intermittent Hormonal Therapy for Prostate Cancer," Physica D, Vol.237, No.20, pp.2616-2627 (2008).
+Xing-Ming Zhao, Luonan Chen, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Protein function prediction with high-throughput data," Amino Acids, Vol.35, No.3, pp.517-530 (2008). 
+Hideyuki Suzuki and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Universality in Mathematical Modeling: A Comment on Surprising Dynamics From a Simple Model," Mathematics Magazine, Vol.81, pp.291-294 (2008). 
+Yoshito Hirata, Sunsuke Horai, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Reproduction of distance matrices and original time series from recurrence plots and its applications," European Physical Journal Special Topics, Vol.164, pp.13-22 (2008). 
+Tatsuo Yanagita, Hiromichi Suetani, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Bifurcation Analysis of Solitary and Synchronized Pulses and Formation of Reentrant Waves in Laterally Coupled Excitable Fibers," Physical Review E, Vol.78, 056208-1-11 (2008)
+Aiko Miyamura Ideta, Gouhei Tanaka, Takumi Takeuchi, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "A Mathematical Model of Intermittent Androgen Suppression for Prostate Cancer," Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol.18, pp.593-641 (2008).
+Munehisa Sekikawa, Takashi Kohno, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "An Integrated Circuit Design of a Silicon Neuron and its Measurement Results," Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol.13, No.1, pp.116-119 (2008).
+Makito Oku and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Networked Reinforcement Learning," Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol.13, No.1, pp.112-115 (2008). 
+Qian Guo, Youshan Tao, Kazuyuki Aihara: "Mathematical Modelling of Prostate Tumor Growth under Intermittent Androgen Suppression with Partial Differential Equations," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.18, No.12, pp.3789-3797 (2008). 
+Natsuhiro Ichinose, Tetsushi Yada, Osamu Gotoh and Kazuyuki Aihara: "Reconstruction of Transcription-translation Dynamics with a Model of Gene Networks," Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol.255, No.4, pp.378-386 (2008). 
+D.P. Mandic, S. Javidi, S.L. Goh, A. Kuh, K. Aihara: 
"[[Complex-valued Prediction of Wind Profile using Augmented Complex Statistics >]]," 
Renewable Energy, Vol.34, No.1, pp.196-201 (2009). 
+Hong Fan, Zhijie Wang, Luonan Chen, Kazuyuki Aihara:  
"[[Feedback Mechanism in Network Dynamics with Preferential Flow>]]," Physical Review E, Vol.79, 026107 (2009). 
+Masashi Aono, Yoshito Hirata, Masahiko Hara, and Kazuyuki
"[[Amoeba-based Chaotic Neurocomputing: Combinatorial Optimization by Coupled Biological Oscillators>]]," 
New Generation Computing, Vol.27, No.2, pp.129-157 
+Yuta Kakimoto and Kazuyuki Aihara: 
"[[Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of a Chaotic Neural Network for Multistable Binocular Rivalry>]],"
New Mathematics and Natural Computation, 
Vol.5, No.1, pp.123-134 (2009). 
+Kantaro Fujiwara and Kazuyuki Aihara: 
"[[Trial-to-trial Variability and its Influence on Higher Order Statistics>]]," 
Journal of Artificial Life and Robotics, 
Vol.13, No.2, pp.470-473 (2009). 
+Kantaro Fujiwara and Kazuyuki Aihara: 
"[[Time-varying Irregularities in Multiple Trial Spike Data>]]," 
European Physical Journal B, Vol.68, No.2, pp.283-289
+Xing-Ming Zhao, Rui-Sheng Wang, Luonan Chen, Kazuyuki Aihara: 
"[[Automatic Modeling of Signaling Pathways by Network Flow Model>]]," 
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 
Vol.7, No.2, pp.309-322 (2009). 
+Bing Wang, Yuexing Han, Luonan Chen, Kazuyuki Aihara: 
"[[Limited Ability Driven Phase Transitions in the Coevolution Process in Axelrod's Model>]]," 
Physics Letters A, Vol.373, pp.1519-1523 (2009). 
+Evan Monroig, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Yozo Fujino: 
"[[Modeling Dynamics from only Output Data>]],"
Physical Review E, Vol.79, 056208 (2009). 
+Daisuke Atuti, Takashi Morie, and Kazuyuki Aihara: 
"[[A Current-Sampling-Mode CMOS Arbitrary Chaos Generator Circuit Using Pulse Modulation Approach>]]," 
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics
Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E92A, No.5, 
pp.1308-1315 (2009). 
+Koh Hashimoto and Kazuyuki Aihara: 
"[[Fixation Probabilities in Evolutionary Game Dynamics with a  Two-strategy Game in Finite Diploid Populations>]]," 
Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol.258, pp.637-645
+Hideki Tanaka, Takashi Morie, and Kazuyuki Aihara: 
"[[A CMOS Spiking Neural Network Circuit with Symmetric/Asymmetric STDP Function>]]," 
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics,
Communications and Computer Sciences, 
Vol.E92-A, No.7, pp.1690-1698 (2009). 
+Isao Nishikawa, Naofumi Tsukamoto, Kazuyuki Aihara: 
"[[Switching Phenomenon Induced by Breakdown of Chaotic Phase Synchronization>]]," 
Physica D, Vol.238, pp.1197-1202 (2009). 
+Gouhei Tanaka, Shigeki Tsuji, and Kazuyuki Aihara: 
"[[Grazing-induced Crises in Hybrid Dynamical Systems>]],"
Physics Letters A, Vol.373, pp.3134-3139 (2009). 
+Gouhei Tanaka and Kazuyuki Aihara:
"[[Complex-Valued Multistate Associative Memory With Nonlinear Multilevel Functions for Gray-Level Image Reconstruction>]]," 
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 
Vol.20, No.9, pp.1463-1473 (2009). 
+Shigeru Kubota, Kosuke Hamaguchi, and Kazuyuki Aihara: 
"[[Local Excitation Solutions in One-dimensional Neural Fields by External Input Stimuli>]]," 
Neural Computing \& Applications, 
Vol.18, No.6, pp.591-602 (2009). 
+Bing Wang, Kazuyuki Aihara, Beom Jun Kim: 
"[[Comparison of Immunization Strategies in Geographical Networks>]],"
Physics Letters A, Vol.373, pp.3877-3882 (2009). 
+Hajime Mushiake, Kazuhiro Sakamoto, Naohiro Saito, 
Toshiro Inui, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Jun Tanji: 
"[[Involvement of the Prefrontal Cortex in Problem Solving>]],"
International Review of Neurobiology, Vol.85, pp.1-11
+Yasushi Miyagi, Tsuyoshi Okamoto, Takato Morioka, Shozo Tobimatsu,
Yoshitaka Nakanishi, Kazuyuki Aihara, Kimiaki Hashiguchi,
Nobuya Murakami, Fumiaki Yoshida, Kazuhiro Samura, 
Shinji Nagata, and Tomio Sasaki: 
"[[Spectral Analysis of Field Potential Recordings by Deep Brain Stimulation Electrode for Localization of Subthalamic Nucleus in Patients with Parkinson's Disease>]]," 
Stereotact Funct Neurosurg, Vol.87, No.4, pp.211-218 (2009). 
+Hironori Asai, Shunsuke Iwamori, Kentaro Kawai, Shigeki Ehira, 
Jun-ichi Ishihara, Kazuyuki Aihara, Shuichi Shoji, Hideo Iwasaki: 
"[[Cyanobacterial Cell Lineage Analysis of the Spatiotemporal hetR Expression Profile during Heterocyst Pattern Formation in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120>]],"
PLoS One, Vol.4, No.10, e7371 (2009). 
+Yoshito Hirata and Kazuyuki Aihara: 
"[[Representing Spike Trains using Constant Sampling Intervals>]],"
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 
Vol.183, No.2, pp.277-286 (2009). 
+Yoshito Hirata and Kazuyuki Aihara: 
"[[Indentifying Hidden Common Causes from Bivariate Time Series: A Method using Recurrence Plots>]]," 
Physical Review E, Vol.81, No.1, 016203-1-7 (2010). 
+Yoshito Hirata, Masashi Aono, Masahiko Hara, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Spontaneous Mode Switching in Coupled Oscillators Competing for Constant Amounts of Resources>]]," Chaos, Vol.20, 013117 (2010).
+Youshan Tao, Qian Guo and Kazuyuki Aihara: 
"[[A Mathematical Model of Prostate Tumor Growth Under Hormone Therapy with Mutation Inhibitor>]]," Journal of Nonlinear Science, 
Vol.20, No.2, pp.131-275 (2010). 
+Xing-Ming Zhao, Luonan Chen, and Kazuyuki Aihara: 
"[[A Discriminative Approach for Identifying Domain-domain Interactions from Protein-protein Interactions>]]," Proteins, Vol.78, No.5, pp.1243-1253 (2010). 
+Yoshito Hirata, Nicholas Bruchovsky, and Kazuyuki Aihara: 
"[[Development of a Mathematical Model that Predicts the Outcome of Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer>]]," 
Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol.264, pp.517-527 (2010). 
+Takashi Kanamaru and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Roles of Inhibitory Neurons in Rewiring-Induced Synchronization in Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks,>]]" Neural Computation, Vol.22, No.5, pp.1383-1398 (2010). 
+Masashi Aono, Masahiko Hara, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Toshinori
Munakata: "[[Amoeba-Based Emergent Computing: Combinatorial Optimization and Autonomous Meta-Problem Solving>]]," 
International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 
Vol.6, pp.89-108 (2010). 
+Toshinori Munakata, Jun Takahashi, Munehisa Sekikawa, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Chaos Computing: A Unified View>]]," International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, Vol.25, No.1, pp.3-16 (2010).
+Yuichi Katori, Eric J. Lang, Miho Onizuka, Mitsuo Kawato, and Kazuyuuki Aihara: "[[Quantitative Modeling of Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Inferior Olive Neurons with a Simple Conductance-based Model>]]," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.20, No.3, pp.583-603 (2010).
+Yoshito Hirata, Nicholas Bruchovsky, and Kazuyuki Aihara:"[[Development of a Mathematical Model that Predicts the Outcome of Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer>]]," 
Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol.264, pp.517-527 (2010). 
+Masashi Aono, Yoshito Hirata, Masahiko Hara, and Kazuyuki Aihara: 
"[[A Model of Amoeba-based Neurocomputer>]]," Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan, Vol.9, No.3, pp.143-156 (2010). 
+Yoshito Hirata and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Devaney's Chaos on Recurrence Plots>]]," Physical Review E, Vol.82, No.3, 036209-1-6 (2010).
+Gouhei Tanaka, Yusuke Okada, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Phase Transitions in Mixed Populations Composed of Two Types of Self-oscillatory Elements with Different Periods>]]," Physical Review E, Vol.82, No.3, 035202(R) (2010).
+Nathan W. Gouwens, Hugo Zeberg, Kunichika Tsumoto, Takashi Tateno, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Hugh P.C. Robinson: "[[Synchronization of Firing in Cortical Fast-Spiking Interneurons at Gamma Frequencies: A Phase-Resetting Analysis," PLoS Computational Biology>]], Vol.6, No.9, e1000951 (2010). 
+Isao T. Tokuda, Cheol E. Han, Kazuyuki Aihara, Mitsuo Kawato, Nicolas Schweighofer: "[[The Role of Chaotic Resonance in Cerebellar Learning>]]," Neural Networks, Vol.23, No.7, pp.836-842 (2010). 
+Makito Oku and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Dynamical Inter-region Coupling in the Brain: A  Meso-scopic Model from a Dynamical Systems Viewpoint>]]," Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, Vol.1, No.1, pp.79-88 (2010). 
+Satoshi Suzuki, Yoshito Hirata, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Definition of Distance for Marked Point Process Data and its Application to Recurrence Plot-based Analysis of Exchange Tick Data of Foreign Currencies>]]," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,  Vol.20, No.11, pp.3699-3708 (2010). 
+Kazuyuki Aihara and Hideyuki Suzuki: "[[Theory of Hybrid Dynamical Systems and its Applications to Biological and Medical Systems>]]," Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society A, Vol.368, No.1930, pp.4893-4914 (2010).
+Gouhei Tanaka, Yoshito Hirata, Larry Goldenberg, Nicholas Bruchovsky, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Mathematical Modelling of Prostate Cancer Growth and its Application to Hormone Therapy>]]," Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society A, Vol.368, No.1930, pp.5029-5044 (2010).
+Taiji Suzuki, Nicholas Bruchovsky, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Piecewise Affine Systems Modelling for Optimizing Hormone Therapy of Prostate Cancer>]]," Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society A, Vol.368, No.1930, pp.5045-5059 (2010).
+Makito Oku and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Noise-robust Realization of Turing-complete Cellular Automata by using Neural Networks with Pattern Representation>]]," Physics Letters A, Vol.374, pp.4859-4863 (2010). 
+Terumi Nakai, Yoshito Hirata, Shunsuke Horai, Michio Akagi, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Firm Evidence of Chaos for Heartbeats in Dogs under Constant Flow Ventilation>]]," Internationl Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.20, No.12, pp.4151-4158 (2010). 
+Masanori Shiro, Yoshito Hirata, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Failure of Pseudo-periodic Surrogates>]]," Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol.15, No.4, pp.496-499 (2010). 
+Yoshito Hirata, Mario di Bernardo, Nicholas Bruchovsky, and Kazuyuki Aihara:"[[Hybrid Optimal Scheduling for Intermittent Androgen Suppression of Prostate Cancer>]]," Chaos, Vol.20, No.4, 045125 (2010). 
+Bing Wang, Lang Cao, Hideyuki Suzuki, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Epidemic Spread in Adaptive Networks with Multitype Agents>]]," Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol.44, No.3, 035101 (2011). 
+Hiroyasu Ando, Sudeshna Sinha, Remo Storni, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Synthetic Gene Networks as Potential Flexible Parallel Logic Gates>]]," Europhysics Letters, Vol.93, No.5, 50001-p1-p6 (2011). 
+Lang Cao, Hisashi Ohtsuki, Bing Wang and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Evolution of Cooperation on Adaptively Weighted Networks>]]," Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol.272, No.1, pp.8-15 (2011). 
+Yoshito Hirata, Yuko Shimo, Hiroshi L. Tanaka, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Chaotic Properties of the Arctic Oscillation Index>]]," Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere (SOLA), Vol.7, pp.33-36 (2011). 
+Ikkyu Aihara, Ryu Takeda, Takeshi Mizumoto, Takuma Otsuka, Toru Takahashi, Hiroshi G. Okuno, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Complex and Transitive Synchronization in a Frustrated System of Calling Frogs>]]," Physical Review E, Vol.83, 031913 (2011). 
+Yoshito Hirata and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Statistical Tests for Serial Dependence and Laminarity on Recurrence Plots>]]," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.21, No.4, pp.1077-1084 (2011). 
+Yang Chen and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Some Convex Functions Based Measures of Independence and Their Application to Strange Attractor Reconstruction>]]," Entropy, Vol.13, No.4, pp.820-840 (2011). 
+Yoshiyuki Sato and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[A Bayesian Model of Sensory Adaptation>]]," PLoS ONE, Vol.6, No.4, e19377 (2011). 
+Zhijie Wang, Hong Fan, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Three Synaptic Components Contributing to Robust Network Synchronization>]]," Physical Review E, Vol.83, No.5, 051905 (2011).
+Kai Morino, Gouhei Tanaka, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Robustness of multilayer oscillator networks>]]," Physical Review E, Vol.83, No.5, 056208 (2011).
+C. Cheong Took,  G. Strbac, K. Aihara, D.P. Mandic: "[[Quaternion-valued Short-term Joint Forecasting of Three-dimensional Wind and Atmospheric Parameters>]]," Renewable Energy, Vol.36, No.6, pp.1754-1760 (2011). 
+Kunichika Tsumoto, Gen Kurosawa, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Modeling Light Adaptation in Circadian Clock: Prediction of the Response That Stabilizes Entrainment>]]," PLoS ONE, Vol.6, No.6, e20880 (2011). 
+Takeshi Mizumoto, Ikkyu Aihara, Takuma Otsuka, Ryu Takeda, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Hiroshi G. Okuno: "[[Sound Imaging of Nocturnal Animal Calls in their Natural Habitat>]]," Journal of Comparative Physiology A, Vol.197, No.9, pp.915-921 (2011). 
+Tsuyoshi Okamoto, Koji Ikezoe, Hiroshi Tamura, Masataka Watanabe, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Ichiro Fujita: "[[Predicted Contextual Modulation Varies with Distance from Pinwheel Centers in the Orientation Preference Map>]]," Scientific Reports, Vol.1, No.114, pp.1-11 (2011). 
+Graziano Chesi, Luonan Chen, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[On the robust stability of time-varying uncertain genetic regulatory networks>]]," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol.21, pp.1778-1790 (2011). 
+Lang Cao, Xun Li, Bing Wang, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Rendezvous Effects in the Diffusion Process on Bipartite Metapopulation Networks>]]," Physical Review E, Vol.84, No.4, 041936 (2011). 
+Yuichi Katori, Kazuhiro Sakamoto, Naohiro Saito, Jun Tanji, Hajime Mushiake, Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Representational Switching by Dynamical Reorganization of Attractor Structure in a Network Model of the Prefrontal Cortex>]]," PLoS Computational Biology, Vol.7, No.11, e1002266, pp.1-17 (2011). 
+ Hiroaki Kuramae, Yoshito Hirata, Nicholas Bruchovsky, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Hideyuki Suzuki: "[[Nonlinear Systems Identification by Combining Regression with Bootstrap Resampling>]]," Chaos, Vol.21, No.4, 043121-1-12 (2011). 
+Shinji Nakaoka and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Mathematical Study on Kinetics of Hematopoietic Stem Cells --Theoretical Conditions for Successful Transplantation>]]," Journal of Biological Dynamics, Vol.6, No.2, pp.836-854 (2012). 
+Yang Li, Ping Zhu, Xiaoping Xie, Guoguang He, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Learning-induced Pattern Classification in a Chaotic Neural Network>]]," Physics Letters A, Vol.376, pp.412-417 (2012). 
+Gouhei Tanaka, Kai Morino, and Kazuyuki Aihara: [["Dynamical Robustness in Complex Networks: The Crucial Role of Low-degree Nodes,">]] Scientific Reports, Vol.2, No.232, pp.1-6 (2012).
+Yoshito Hirata and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Timing Matters in Foreign Exchange Markets>]]," Physica A, Vol.391, No.3, pp.760-766 (2012). 
+Remo Storni, Hiroyasu Ando, Kazuyuki Aihara, K. Murali, and Sudeshna Sinha: "[[Manipulating Potential Wells in Logical Stochastic Resonance to Obtain XOR Logic>]]," Physics Letters A, Vol.376, No.8-9, pp.930-937 (2012). 
+Yoshito Hirata, Gouhei Tanaka, Nicholas Bruchovsky and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Mathematically Modelling and Controlling Prostate Cancer under Intermittent Hormone Therapy>]]," Asian Journal of Andrology, Vol.14, pp.270--277 (2012). 
+L. Chen, R Liu, Z.-P. Liu, M. Li, and K. Aihara: [[“Detecting Early-warning Signals for Sudden Deterioration of Complex Diseases by Dynamical Network Biomarkers,”>]] Scientific Reports, Vol.2, No.342, pp.1-8 (2012).
+Isao Nishikawa, Gouhei Tanaka, Takehiko Horita, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Long-term Fluctuations in Globally Coupled Phase Oscillators with General Coupling: Finite Size Effects>]]," Chaos, Vol.22, No.1, 013133-1-10 (2012). 
+Keisuke Ejima, Ryosuke Omori, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Hiroshi Nishiura: "[[Real-time Investigation of Measles Epidemics with Estimate of Vaccine Efficacy>]]," International Journal of Biological Sciences, Vol.8, No.5, pp.620-629 (2012). 
+Takashi Kanamaru and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Rewiring-Induced Chaos in Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks>]]," Neural Computation, Vol.24, No.4, pp.1020-1046 (2012). 
+Takahito Mitsui, Seiji Uenohara, Takashi Morie, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Torus-doubling Process via Strange Nonchaotic Attractors>]]," Physics Letters A, Vol.376, No.24-25, pp.1907-1914(2012). 
+Koji Iwayama, Yoshito Hirata, Kohske Takahashi, Katsumi Watanabe, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Hideyuki Suzuki: "[[Characterizing Global Evolutions of Complex Systems via Intermediate Network Representations>]]," Scientific Reports, Vol.2, Article No.423, pp.1-5 (2012). 
+Yoshito Hirata, Koichiro Akakura, Celestia S. Higano, Nicholas Bruchovsky, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Quantitative Mathematical Modeling of PSA Dynamics of Prostate Cancer Patients Treated with Intermittent Androgen Suppression>]]," Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, Vol.4, No.3, pp.127-132 (2012). 
+Yoshito Hirata and Kazuyuki Aihara:"[[Describing High-dimensional Dynamics with Low-dimensional Piecewise Affine Models: Applications to Renewable Energy>]]," Chaos, Vol.22, No.2, 023143-1-6 (2012). 
+Makito Oku and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Numerical Analysis of Transient and Periodic Dynamics in Single and Coupled Nagumo-Sato Models>]]," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.22, No.6, 1230021-1-15 (2012). 
+Munehisa Sekikawa, Naohiko Inaba, Takashi Tsubouchi, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Novel Bifurcation Structure Generated in Piecewise-linear Three-LC Resonant Circuit and its Lyapunov Analysis>]]," Physica D, Vol.241, No.14, pp.1169-1178 (2012). 
+Masanori Ikeda, Yoshihiko Horio, Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Improved Dynamical Logic Element with Chaotic State Transitions Using Switched-Capacitor Chaotic Neuron Circuit>]]," Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.16, No.4, pp.291-294 (2012). 
+Bing Wang, Lang Cao, Hideyuki Suzuki, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Impacts of Clustering on Interacting Epidemics>]]," Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol.304, pp.121-130 (2012). 
+Hiroyasu Ando, Hiromichi Suetani, Jürgen Kurths, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Chaotic Phase Synchronization in Bursting-neuron Models Driven by a Weak Periodic Force>]]," Physical Review E, Vol.86, No.1, 016205-1-11 (2012).
+Keisuke Ejima, Ryosuke Omori, Benjamin J. Cowling, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Hiroshi Nishiura: "[[The Time Required to Estimate the Case Fatality Ratio of Influenza Using Only the Tip of an Iceberg: Joint Estimation of the Virulence and the Transmission Potential>]]," Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Vol.2012, 978901-1-10 (2012). 
+Tohru Kohda, Yoshihiko Horio, Yoichiro Takahashi,  and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Beta Encoders: Symbolic Dynamics and Electronic Implementation>]]," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.22, No.9, 1230031-1-55 (2012).
+Teerasit Termsaithong, Makito Oku, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Dynamical Coherence Patterns in Neural Field Model at Criticality>]]," Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol.17, No.1, pp.75-79 (2012).
+Ryo Yokota, Kazuyuki Aihara, R. Kanzaki, and H. Takahashi: "[[Tonotopic-column-dependent Variability of Neural Encoding in the Auditory Cortex of Rats>]]," Neuroscience, Vol.223, pp.377-387 (2012).
+Hiroyuki Asahara, Kenichi Tasaki, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Takuji Kousaka: "[[The Stabilizing Mechanism for an Interrupted Dynamical System with Periodic Threshold>]]," Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE Vol.3, No.4, pp.546-556 (2012). 
+Yuichi Katori, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Masato Okada, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Stability Analysis of Stochastic Neural Network with Depression and Facilitation Synapses>]]," Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.81, pp.114007-1-7 (2012). 
+Kiyohito Nagano and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Equivalence of Convex Minimization Problems Over Base Polytopes>]]," Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JJIAM), Vol.29, No.3, pp.519-534 (2012). 
+Ken-ichi Sawai, Yoshiyuki Sato, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Auditory Time-interval Perception as Causal Inference on Sound Sources>]]," Frontiers in Perception Science, Vol.3, Article No.524, pp.1-8 (2012). 
+Bing Wang, Lang Cao, Hideyuki Suzuki, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Safety-information-driven Human Mobility Patterns with Metapopulation Epidemic Dynamics>]]," Scientific Reports, Vol.2, Article No.887, pp.1-8 (2012).
+Rui Liu, Meiyi Li, Zhi-Ping Liu, Jiarui Wu, Luonan Chen, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Identifying Critical Transitions and their Leading Biomolecular Networks in Complex Diseases>]]," Scientific Reports, Vol.2, Article No.813, pp.1-9 (2012). 
+Timothee Leleu and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Combined Effects of LTP/LTD and Synaptic Scaling in Formation of Discrete and Line Attractors with Persistent Activity from Non-trivial Baseline>]]," Cognitive Neurodynamics, Vol.6, No.6, pp.499-524 (2012). 
+ Tohru Kohda, Yoshihiko Horio, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[β-expansion Attractors Observed in A/D Converters>]]," AIP Chaos, Vol.22, No.4, 047512-1-18 (2012). 
+Yoshito Hirata, Makito Oku, and Kazuyuki Aihara: "[[Chaos in Neurons and its Application: Perspective of Chaos Engineering>]]," AIP Chaos, Vol.22, No.4, 047511-1-7 (2012). 
+G. Tanaka and K. Aihara: "[[Effects of Seasonal Variation Patterns on Recurrent Outbreaks in Epidemic Models>]]," Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol.317, pp.87-95 (2013).
+T. Kanamaru, H. Fujii, and K. Aihara: "[[Deformation of Attractor Landscape via Cholinergic Presynaptic Modulations: A Computational Study Using a Phase Neuron Model>]]," PLOS ONE, Vol.8, No.1, e53854, pp.1-14 (2013). 
+H. Suzuki, J. Imura, and K. Aihara: "[[Chaotic Ising-like Dynamics in Traffic Signals>]]," Scientific Reports, Vol.3, Article No.1127, pp.1-6 (2013).
+K. Fujimoto, M. Kobayashi, T. Yoshinaga, and K. Aihara: "[[Identification of Target Image Regions Based on Bifurcations of a Fixed Point in a Discrete-Time Oscillator Network>]]," International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol.9, No.1, pp.355-363 (2013).
+M. Fukuhara, S. Iwami, K. Sato, Y. Nishimura, H. Shimizu, K. Aihara and Y. Koyanagi: “[[Quantification of the Dynamics of Enterovirus 71 Infection by Experimental-mathematical Investigation>]],” Journal of Virology, Vol.87, No.1, pp.701-705 (2013). 
+H. San, T. Kato, T. Maruyama, K. Aihara, and M. Hotta: "[[Non-Binary Pipeline Analog-to-digital Converter Based on β-Expansion>]]," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E96-A, No.2, pp.415-421 (2013).
+Y. Katori, Y. Otsubo, M. Okada, and K. Aihara: "[[Stability Analysis of Associative Memory Network Composed of Stochastic Neurons and Dynamic Synapses>]]," Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, Vol.7, Article 6 (2013). 
+S. Nakaoka and K. Aihara: "[[Stochastic Simulation of Structured Skin Cell Population Dynamics>]]," Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol.66, No.4-5, pp.807-835 (2013).
+K. Ejima, K. Aihara, and H. Nishiura: “[[Modeling the Obesity Epidemic: Social Contagion and its Implications for Control>]],” Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling Vol.10, Article No.17, pp.1-13 (2013). 
+B. Zhang, L. Chen, and K. Aihara: "[[Incremental Stability Analysis of Stochastic Hybrid Systems>]]," Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Vol.14, No.2, pp.1225-1234 (2013).
+R. Fujie, K. Aihara, and N. Masuda: "[[A Model of Competition among More Than Two Languages>]]," Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol.151, pp.289-303 (2013). 
+K. Iwayama, Y. Hirata, H. Suzuki, and K. Aihara: “[[Change-point Detection with Recurrence Networks>]],” Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, Vol.4, No.2, pp.160-171 (2013).
+R. Suzuki, T. Maruyama, H. San, K. Aihara, and M. Hotta: “[[Robust Cyclic-ADC Architecture Based on β-Expansion>]],” IEICE Transactions on Electronics, Vol.E96-C, No.4, pp.553-559 (2013).
+H. Suzuki, J. Imura, Y. Horio, and K. Aihara: “[[Chaotic Boltzmann Machines>]],” Scientific Reports, Vol.3, Article No.1610, pp.1-5 (2013).
+K. Ejima, K. Aihara, and H. Nishiura: “[[The Impact of Model Building on the Transmission Dynamics under Vaccination: Observable (Symptom-Based) versus Unobservable (Contagiousness-Dependent) Approaches>]],” PLOS ONE, Vol.8, No.4, e62062, pp.1-10 (2013).
+K. Sasahara, Y. Hirata, M. Toyoda, M. Kitsuregawa, and K. Aihara: “[[Quantifying Collective Attention from Tweet Stream>]],” PLOS ONE, Vol.8, No.4, e61823, pp.1-10 (2013).
+T. Mitsui and K. Aihara: "[[Dynamics between Order and Chaos in Conceptual Models of Glacial Cycles>]]," Climate Dynamics, Vol.42, No.11-12, pp.3087-3099 (2013).
+Kazuyuki Aihara, Kazufumi Ito, Junichi Nakagawa, and Tomoya Takeuchi: "[[Optimal Control Laws for Traffic Flow>]]," Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol.26, pp.617-623 (2013). 
+S. Uenohara, T. Mitsui, Y. Hirata, T. Morie, Y. Horio, and K. Aihara: "[[Experimental Distinction between Chaotic and Strange Nonchaotic Attractors on the Basis of Consistency>]]," Chaos, Vol.23, No.2, pp.023110-1-9 (2013).
+R. Liu, K. Aihara, and L. Chen: “[[Dynamical Network Biomarkers for Identifying Critical Transitions of Biological Processes>]],” Quantitative Biology, Vol.1, No.2, pp.105-114 (2013). 
+Y. Hirata and K. Aihara: "[[Estimating Optimal Partitions for Stochastic Complex Systems>]]," European Physical Journal Special Topics, Vol.222, No.2, pp.303-315 (2013).
+T. Kohno and K. Aihara: "[[Improving Noise Resistance of Intrinsic Rhythms in a Square-wave Burster Model>]]," Biosystems, Vol.112, No.3, pp.276-283 (2013).
+T. Suzuki and K. Aihara: “[[Nonlinear System Identification for Prostate Cancer and Optimality of Intermittent Androgen Suppression Therapy>]],” Mathematical Biosciences, Doi: 10.1016/j.mbs.2013.04.007 (2013).
+Y. Li, P. Zhu, X. Xie, H. Chen, K. Aihara, and G. He: “[[Controlling a Chaotic Neural Network for Information Processing>]],” Neurocomputing, Vol.110, pp.111-120 (2013).
+K. Ejima, K. Aihara, and H. Nishiura: “[[On the Use of Chance-adjusted Agreement Statistic to Measure the Assortative Transmission of Infectious Diseases>]],” Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.32, No.2, pp.303-313 (2013). 
+T. Omi, Y. Ogata, Y. Hirata, and K. Aihara: “[[Forecasting Large Aftershocks within One Day after the Main Shock>]],” Scientific Reports, Vol.3, Article No.2218, pp.1-7 (2013).
+B. Wang, H. Suzuki, and K. Aihara: “[[Evaluating Roles of Nodes in Optimal Allocation of Vaccines with Economic Considerations>]],” PLOS ONE, Vol.8, No.8, e70793-1-9 (2013).
+M.A. Dahlem, S. Rode, A. May, N. Fujiwara, Y. Hirata, K. Aihara, and J. Kurths: “[[Towards Dynamical Network Biomarkers in Neuromodulation of Episodic Migraine>]],” Translational Neuroscience, Vol.4, No.3, pp.282-294 (2013).
+I. Nishikawa, G. Tanaka, and K. Aihara: “[[Nonstandard Scaling Law of Fluctuations in Finite-size Systems of Globally Coupled Oscillators>]],” Physical Review E, Vol.88, No.2, 024102-1-5 (2013).
+K. Morino, G. Tanaka, and K. Aihara: "[[Efficient Recovery of Dynamic Behavior in Coupled Oscillator Networks>]]," Physical Review E, Vol.88, No.3, 032909 (2013).
+M. Inoue, J. Imura, K. Kashima, and K. Aihara: "[[Robust Bifurcation Analysis of Systems with Dynamic Uncertainties>]]," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.23, 1350157 (2013).
+M. Onizuka, H. Hoang, M. Kawato, I. T. Tokuda, N. Schweighofer, Y. Katori, K. Aihara, E. J. Lang, and K. Toyama: "[[Solution to the Inverse Problem of Estimating Gap-junctional and Inhibitory Conductance in Inferior Olive Neurons from Spike Trains by Network Model Simulation>]]," Neural Networks, Vol.47, pp.51-63 (2013).
+M. Suzuki, J. Imura, and K. Aihara: "[[Analysis and Stabilization for Networked Linear Hyperbolic Systems of Rationally Dependent Conservation Laws>]]," Automatica, Vol.49, No.11, pp.3210-3221 (2013).
+M. Oku, T. Makino, and K. Aihara: "Pseudo-orthogonalization of Memory Patterns for Associative Memory," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Vol.24, No.11, pp.1877-1887 (2013).
+T. Ishizaki, K. Kashima, J. Imura, A. Katoh, H. Morita, and K. Aihara: "[[Distributed Parameter Modelling and Finite-Frequency Loop-Shaping of Electromagnetic Molding Machine>]]," Control Engineering Practice, Vol.21, No.12, pp.1735-1743 (2013).
+E.P. Bravo, K. Aihara, and Y. Hirata: "[[Application of Joint Permutations for Predicting Coupled Time Series>]]," Chaos, Vol.23, No.4 043104 (2013).
+T. Leleu and K. Aihara: "[[Spontaneous Slow Oscillations and Sequential Patterns due to Short-term Plasticity in a Model of the Cortex>]]," Neural Computation, Vol.25, No.12, pp.1-52 (2013).
+Q. Guo, Z. Lu, Y. Hirata, and K. Aihara: "[[Parameter Estimation and Optimal Scheduling Algorithm for a Mathematical Model of Intermittent Androgen Suppression Therapy for Prostate Cancer>]]," Chaos, Vol.23, No.4, 043125 (2013).
+K. Sakamoto, Y. Katori, N. Saito, S. Yoshida, K. Aihara, and H. Mushiake: “[[Increased Firing Irregularity as an Emergent Property of Neural-State Transition in Monkey Prefrontal Cortex>]],” PLOS ONE, Vol.8, No.12, e80906-1-26 (2013).
+K. Sato, N. Misawa, S. Iwami, Y. Satou, M. Matsuoka, Y. Ishizaka, M. Ito, K. Aihara, D.S. An, and Y. Koyanagi: “[[HIV-1 Vpr Accelerates Viral Replication during Acute Infection by Exploitation of Proliferating CD4+ T Cells In Vivo>]],” PLOS PATHOGENS, Vol.9, No.12, e1003812-1-12 (2013). 
+M. Suzuki, K. Katsuki, J. Imura, J. Nakagawa, T. Kurokawa, and K. Aihara: “[[Simultaneous Optimization of Slab Permutation Scheduling and Heat Controlling for a Reheating Furnace>]],” Journal of Process Control, Vol.24, pp.225-238 (2014).
+M.A.S. Kamal, J. Imura, A. Ohata, T. Hayakawa, and K. Aihara: "[[Smart Driving of a Vehicle in Congested Traffic," IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems>]], Vol.15. No.2, pp.878-888 (2014)
+I. Aihara, T. Mizumoto, T. Otsuka, H. Awano, K. Nagira, H.G. Okuno, and K. Aihara: "[[Spatio-Temporal Dynamics in Collective Frog Choruses Examined by Mathematical Modeling and Field Observations>]]," Scientific Reports, Vol.4, Article No.3891, pp.1-8 (2014).
+I. Nishikawa, K. Iwayama, G. Tanaka, T. Horita, and K. Aihara: “[[Finite-size Scaling in Globally Coupled Phase Oscillators with a General Coupling Scheme>]],” Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Vol.2014, No.2, 023A07-1-11, DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptu015 (2014). 
+J.P. Ramirez, K. Aihara, R.H.B. Fey, and H. Nijmeijer: "[[Further Understanding of Huygens' Coupled Clocks: The Effect of Stiffness>]]," Physica D, Vol.270, pp.11-19 (2014).
+K. Ejima, K. Aihara, and H. Nishiura: “[[Probabilistic Differential Diagnosis of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) using the Time from Immigration to Illness Onset among Imported Cases>]],” Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol.346, pp.47-53 (2014).
+T. Omi, Y. Ogata, Y. Hirata, and K. Aihara: “[[Estimating the ETAS Model from an Early Aftershock Sequence>;jsessionid=E86811E9C0486AC65CF14382C320C4BF.f02t04]],” Geophysical Research Letters, Vol.41, No.3, pp.850-857 (2014).
+R. Liu, X. Yu , X. Liu, D. Xu, K. Aihara, and L. Chen: “[[Identifying Critical Transitions of Complex Diseases based on a Single Sample>]],” Bioinformatics, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu084 (2014).
+F. Duan, K. Watanabe, Y. Yoshimura, M. Kikuchi, Y. Minabe, and K. Aihara: “[[Relationship between Brain Network Pattern and Cognitive Performance of Children Revealed by MEG Signals during Free Viewing of Video>]],” Brain and Cognition, Vol.86, pp.10-16 (2014).
+T. Ishizaki, K. Kashima, J. Imura, and K. Aihara: “[[Model Reduction and Clusterization of Linear Systems on Complex Bidirectional Networks>]],” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.59, No.1, pp.48-63 (2014).
+M. Sekikawa, N. Inaba, K. Kamiyama, and K. Aihara: “[[Three-dimensional Tori and Arnold Tongues>]],” Chaos, Vol.24, No.1, 013137 (2014).
+K. Aihara and M. Hasegawa: “[[Optimization, Chaotic Neural Networks, and Coherent Ising Machines [Further Thoughts]>]],” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol.102, No.4, p.585 (2014).
+M. Hasegawa, H. Hirai, K. Nagano, H. Harada, and K. Aihara: “[[Optimization for Centralized and Decentralized Cognitive Radio Networks>]],” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol.102, No.4, pp.574-584 (2014).
+R. Sugawara, H. San, K. Aihara, and M. Hotta: “[[Experimental Implementation of Non-binary Cyclic ADCs with Radix-value Estimation Algorithm>]],” IEICE Trans on Electronics, Vol.E97-C, No.4, pp.308-315 (2014). 
+R. Liu, X. Wang, K. Aihara, and L. Chen: "[[Early Diagnosis of Complex Diseases by Molecular Biomarkers, Network Biomarkers, and Dynamical Network Biomarkers>]],” Medicinal Research Reviews, Vol.34, No.3, pp.455-478 (2014).
+G. Tanaka, K. Morino, H. Daido, K. Aihara: “[[Dynamical Robustness of Coupled Heterogeneous Oscillators>]],” Physical Review E, Vol. 89, 052906-1-8 (2014).
+H. Ikeda, R.J. de Boer, K. Sato, S. Morita, N. Misawa, Y. Koyanagi, K. Aihara, and S. Iwami: “[[Improving the Estimation of the Death Rate of Infected Cells from Time Course Data during the Acute Phase of Virus Infections: Application to Acute HIV-1 Infection in a Humanized Mouse Model>]],” Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling, Vol.11, Article No.22, pp.1-14 (2014).
+Y. Hirata, S. Azuma, and K. Aihara: “[[Model Predictive Control for Optimally Scheduling Intermittent Androgen Suppression of Prostate Cancer>]],” Methods, Vol.67, No.3, pp.278-281 (2014).
+Y. Suzuki, D. Sakai, T. Nomura, Y. Hirata, and K. Aihara: “[[A New Protocol for Intermittent Androgen Suppression Therapy of Prostate Cancer with Unstable Saddle-point Dynamics>]],” Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol.350, pp.1-16 (2014).
+Y. Hirata, T. Yamada, J. Takahashi, K. Aihara, and H. Suzuki: "[[Online multi-step prediction for wind speeds and solar irradiation: evaluation of prediction errors>]]," Renewable Energy, Vol.67, pp.35-39 (2014).
+S. Oya, K. Aihara, and Y. Hirata: “[[An Absolute Measure for a Key Currency>]],” Physica A, Vol.407, pp.15-23 (2014).
+T. Kobayashi, Y. Koizumi, J.S. Takeuchi, N. Misawa, Y. Kimura, S. Morita, K. Aihara, Y. Koyanagi, S. Iwami, and K. Sato: "[[Quantification of Deaminase Activity-dependent and -independent Restriction of HIV-1 Replication Mediated by APOBEC3F and APOBEC3G through Experimental-mathematical Investigation>]]," Journal of Virogy, Vol.88, No.10, pp.5881-5587 (2014). 
+G. Cao, L. Chen, and K. Aihara: "[[Power System Voltage Stability Assessment based on Branch Active Powers>]]," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2014.2329731 (2014). 
+T. Kohno and K. Aihara: "[[Silicon Neuronal Networks towards Brain-morphic Computers>]]," IEICE NOLTA Journal, Vol.5, No.3, pp.379--390 (2014).
+G. Tanaka, C. Urabe, and K. Aihara: "[[Random and Targeted Interventions for Epidemic Control in Metapopulation Models>]]," Scientific Reports, Vol.4, Article No.5522, pp.1-8 (2014).
+B. Liu, Z. Yuan, K. Aihara, and L. Chen: "[[Reinitiation Enhances Reliable Transcriptional Responses in Eukaryotes>]]," Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Vol.11, No.97, 20140326 (2014).
+M.A. Dahlem, J. Kurths, M.D. Ferrari, K. Aihara, M. Scheffer, and A. May: "[[Understanding Migraine using Dynamic Network Biomarkers>]]," Cephalalgia, 0333102414550108 (2014). 
+B. Wang, G. Tanaka, H. Suzuki, and K. Aihara: "[[Epidemic Spread on Interconnected Metapopulation Networks>]]," Physical Review E, Vol.90, 032806-1-12 (2014). 
+M.A.S. Kamal, J. Imura, A. Ohata, T. Hayakawa, and K. Aihara: "[[Network-wide Optimization of Traffic Signals Using Mixed Integer Programming>]], Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.26, No.5 (2014). 
+Y. Hirata, K. Aihara, and H. Suzuki: "[[Predicting Multivariate Time Series in Real Time with Confidence Intervals: Applications to Renewable Energy>]]," The European Physics Journal Special Topics, Vol.223, No.12, pp.2451-2460 (2014). 
+D. Ito, T. Ueta, J. Imura, and K. Aihara: "[[Controlling Chaos of Hybrid Systems by Variable Threshold Values>]]," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.24, No.10, 1450125-1-12 (2014). 
+J. Pena Ramirez, R.H.B. Fey, K. Aihara, H. Nijmeijer: "[[An Improved Model for the Classical Huygens' Experiment on Synchronization of Pendulum Clocks>]]," Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.333, No.26, pp.7248-7266 (2014). 
+Y. Tao, Q. Guo, and K. Aihara: “[[A Partial Differential Equation Model and its Reduction to an Ordinary Differential Equation Model for Prostate Tumor Growth under Intermittent Hormone Therapy>]],” Journal of Mathematical Biology, Vol.69, pp.817-838 (2014).
+Y.D. Sato and K. Aihara: "[[Changes of Firing Rate Induced by Changes of Phase Response Curve in Bifurcation Transitions>]]," Neural Computation, Vol.26, No.11, pp.2395--2418 (2014).
+H. Ma, K. Aihara, and L. Chen: "[[Detecting Causality from Nonlinear Dynamics with Short-term Time Series>]]," Scientific Reports, Vol.4, Article No.7464, pp.1-10 (2014).